Haematological changes in stored whole blood - An observational study in a tertiary hospital blood bank
Mane V.1*, Mane V.2, Pawar V.3, Mohite S.4, Gupta S.5
1* Vaibhav P. Mane, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
2 Vinayak Mane, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
3 V.R. Pawar, Professor, Department of Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
4 Sushant Mohite, Junior Resident I, Department of Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
5 Shweta Gupta, Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Several studies are going on to study the effects of transfusing stored RBCS on recipients. Several haematological changes occur in stored blood which may have some medical effects on the recipients. The biochemical changes may vary from donar to donar as well as from Blood bank to blood bank. Also effects of transfused RBCs will vary from recipient to recipient. Lot of clinical trial should be taken before assessing the safety of stored RBCs. Objectives: To study the various haematological changes occurring in a stored whole blood. Material and methods: Analysis of hematological changes occurring in stored whole blood in 20 voluntary donars was done in a blood bank of a tertiary hospital. Results: Of the various haematological parameters studied only significant changes were seen in total WBC count, percentage of lymphocytes and polymorphs and MPV after storage. There was a significant decrease in Total WBC and polymorphs concentration values. Conclusion: Certain haematological changes do occur in stored whole blood over duration of storage. As the demand for blood is high due to various medical conditions; the treating consultant should be aware of the haematological changes seen in stored whole blood.
Keywords: Blood Bank, Stored Blood, Whole Blood
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, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.
Vaibhav P. Mane, Vinayak Mane, V.R. Pawar, Sushant Mohite, Shweta Gupta, Haematological changes in stored whole blood - An observational study in a tertiary hospital blood bank. Biomed Rev J Basic Appl Med Sci. 2015;2(4):105-108. Available From https://www.biomedicalreview.in/hematological-changes-stored-whole-blood-observational-tertiary-hospital-blood-bank-research-article |