Comparative evaluation of ketorolac and morphine in central and visceral model of analgesia in Rats
Banode S.1*, Chourishi A.2, Borkar A.3
1* Siddharth Banode, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India.
2 Ashutosh Chourishi, Professor and Head, Dept. Of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India.
3 Archana Borkar, Professor and Head, Dept. Of Pharmacology, N. K. P Salve institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Morphine produces analgesic actions through their actions in central nervous system. It provides better analgesia and greater patient satisfaction but the problem of adverse effects remains. Ketorolac is commonly used drug mostly in the perioperative setting. There are evidences that analgesia provided by 30 mg parenteral ketorolac may be as effective as 12 mg parenteral morphine .Hence, the study was planned compare Ketorolac and Morphine’s analgesic action in central and visceral model of analgesia. Methods: Albino rats of either sex under standard laboratory conditions were subjected to two methods of analgesia i.e. Tail flick method and Writhing method. Effect of Ketorolac and Morphine were noted down in both these methods subjected to rats and the readings were analysed before and after the drug administration with a cut off time of 15 seconds. Percent analgesia was then calculated and the data was then subjected to statistical analysis. Results: In Radiant heat method Ketorolac showed a percent analgesia of 32.99% which was comparable to Morphine with percent analgesia of 34.29%. Similarly Morphine with percent inhibition of 30.56% was comparable to Ketorolac (26.79%) as shown in fig 1 and 2, respectively. This suggests that Ketorolac has good analgesic efficacy comparable to Morphin. Conclusion: Ketorolac is safe as compared to Morphine and has a comparable efficacy to Morphine and thus, it can be utilised as an alternative to Morphine in various pain management requiring short duration of therapy such as postoperative.
Keywords: Ketorolac, Morphine, Tail Flick method, writhing
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, MP, India.
Siddharth Banode, Ashutosh Chourishi, Archana Borkar, Comparative evaluation of ketorolac and morphine in central and visceral model of analgesia in Rats. Biomed Rev J Basic Appl Med Sci. 2015;2(4):109-112. Available From |