Comparison between conjunctival autograft and post-op mitomycin c in patients of pterygium
Telgote V.1*, Meena V.2, Singh A.3
1* Vandana Telgote, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmolgy, Index Medical College & hospital and research Centre, Indore, MP, India.
2 Vandana Meena, Post graduate student, Department of Ophthalmolgy, Gandhi Medical college, Bhopal, MP, India.
3 Ankita Singh, PG Resident, Department of Ophthalmolgy, Index Medical College & hospital and research Centre, Indore, MP, India.
Introduction: Pterygium is one of the most common conjunctival diseases among ophthalmicpathologies, it is a fibro vascular encroachment of the conjunctival tissue on to the cornea, causing variable degree of ocular morbidity.The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare recurrence rate in treating primary pterygium by two different techniques i.e. conjunctival autografting and intra-operative Mitomycin –C (0.02%) with reference to recurrence and complication rate. Material and Methods: Present study was the prospective, comparative case study involving 80 eyes of 40 patients came in Index Medical College in OPD and Camp conducted in different rural areas. Patient were assigned to two groups (A and B) randomly. Group A underwent limbalconjuctivalautograft. Group B underwent pterygium excision augmented with postoperative topical mitomycin C application. Result: Out of the 80 patients maximum numbers of patients were in the age group from 41 to 50 years. there was a male preponderance in this study with 47 males (58.75%) as compared to 33 females (41.25%). It was found that recurrence of pterygium occurred in 2 (5%) out of 40 eyes treated with limbalconjuctivalautograft and 3 (7.5%) out of 40 eyes in whom pterygium excision was followed by postoperative mitomycin C. In Group B, 2 patients showed the sclera thinning while no complication found in Group A. There were no statistically significant differencebetween two groups. Conclusions: Conjunctivallimbalautograft and postoperative MMC (0.02%) are both safe and effective adjuncts to primary pterygium surgery. The main prejudices against auto- grafting are the expertise and time required for the procedure. The recent use of biologic adhesives to fixate the autograft in place may simplify the procedure. Age of the patients was strongly associated with recurrence regardless of which procedure was used.
Keywords: Pterygium, conjunctival autograft, intra-operative Mitomycin – C
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, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmolgy, Index Medical College & hospital and research Centre, Indore, MP, India.
Vandana Telgote, Vandana Meena, Ankita Singh, Comparison between conjunctival autograft and post-op mitomycin c in patients of pterygium. Biomed Rev J Basic Appl Med Sci. 2015;2(4):118-123. Available From |