Role of Pranavaha Naimittika Rasayana in the management of Vataja Kasa (Pulmonary Eosinophillia)- A Case Report


  • Yadav P Assistant professor, Department Of Kayachikitsa , shree Krishna Ayurvedic college medical college and hospital , cholapur Varanasi (U.P)
  • Kumar P Assistant Professor , Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaisajya Kalpana , shree Krishna Ayurvedic college medical college and hospital , cholapur Varanasi (U.P)


vataja kasa, pulmonary esonophillia, naimiitika rasayana rasayana, AEC count


Pulmonary Eosinophillia defined as the infiltration of eosiniphills into the lung compartments constituting airways, interstitium and alveoli. The true incidence of topical pulmonary esonophillia is not unknown. It is more common in women, who are affected twice as much as men with the majority of them being non smokers. Eosinophillia are one of the main cells of allergic inflammation. From the Ayurvedic view Pulmonary Eosinophillia falls under kasa spectrum especially vataja kasa roga .This seems nearers to the fact as presenting symptoms is krichra swasa, dry cough , swarabheda,kantha kandu aruchi , Dourbalya whereas in tropical esonophilia also symptoms represent the same. . Present study is an attempt to treat a case of pulmonary eosonophillia . A 32 year old female patient approached to OPD with the complaints of kasa, swarabheda ,dourbalya , kanthakandu on and episodic attack since one year. The patient was on anti allergic and antibiotics since one year and no remarkable relief noticed by the patient . she approached for Ayurvedic management and reduction in the symptoms was noticed by patient. Hence this case report was taken to prove the Ayurvedic management has remarkable results in case of Pulmonary Esonophillia . Discussion and conclusion was done on the basis of entire observation.


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How to Cite

Yadav, P., & Kumar, P. (2024). Role of Pranavaha Naimittika Rasayana in the management of Vataja Kasa (Pulmonary Eosinophillia)- A Case Report. Biomedical Review: Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 10(1), 35–38. Retrieved from



Case Report