Teaching and Nurturing Children with Asperger Syndrome


  • Koifman J Beit Ekstein high school, Emek Hefer, Israel. Kinneret Academic College, Emek Ha-Yarden, Israel


Asperger syndrome, autism, special education, learning difficulties


Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a type of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that was first described by the Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger. It is a common developmental disorder that is observed in children from early childhood and is recognized by significant impairments in communication skills and social interaction in general. Unlike true autism, this syndrome preserves speech and cognitive functions. It is often recognized as a mild form of childhood autism. Children diagnosed with AS usually have an average or above-average IQ, but they face special challenges in the school system. While they may achieve high grades and be gifted, they are often misunderstood, unaccepted by their peers, and feel lonely.


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How to Cite

Koifman, J. (2024). Teaching and Nurturing Children with Asperger Syndrome. Biomedical Review: Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, 10(1), 48–51. Retrieved from https://biomedicalreview.in/index.php/jbams/article/view/44



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