Review Article
Vishuddha Chakra
Volume 10 Number 1 Title Jan-Dec 2023
E-ISSN:2349-3275 P-ISSN:2349-5502

Anatomical Correlation of Vishuddha Chakra with Cervical Plexus

Saher S1*

Anatomical Correlation of Vishuddha Chakra with Cervical Plexus


Ayurveda is a science of Medicine and Spirituality. In it there may be outline of many topics associated to spirituality together with Mana, Atma, Parmatma, Adhyatmika Guna, Adhyatmika Dravya, and so on. In Ayurveda, Yoga is considered as a route to reap the Moksha. Yoga Shastra considered Sukshmasharira as the part of our body. The human can't see or touch it, because it is the flow of energy of our body. There are such key points inside the Sukshmasharira that is called as “Energy Centre” or “Chakras”. Chakras are energy centers inside the body that plays an essential function for maintaining our physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. We have seven major Chakras positioned along the spinal column those are: Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna & Sahasrara, whose belief is acquired only at significantly advanced states of recognition. Those Chakras has a special characteristic & positioned longitudinally along the spinal column. Those are psychic center of the Sukshmasharira, related to awakening of the Chakras. Among Shad Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra is located in Kantha Pradesha. The object of proposed work is related to the Study of Vishuddha Chakra in particular, to identify exact anatomical location and structures involved in the region of neck as well as detail study of Vishuddha Chakra and its limitations and correlation of Vishuddha Chakra with Cervical plexus.

Keywords: Shad Chakra’s, Vishuddha Chakra, Cervical Plexus

1* Syeda Tanzeel Saher, Assistant Professor, Rachana Shareera, Raja Rajeshwari Ayurvedic Memorial College Hospital, Humnabad, Karnataka, India.

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Saher S. Anatomical Correlation of Vishuddha Chakra with Cervical Plexus. Biomed Rev J Basic Appl Med Sci. 2023;10(1):30-34.
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2023-12-10 Submission Recieved
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What Know: In it there may be outline of many topics associated to spirituality together with Mana, Atma, Parmatma, Adhyatmika Guna, Adhyatmika Dravya, and so on.

What New: The object of proposed work is related to the Study of Vishuddha Chakra in particular, to identify exact anatomical location and structures involved in the region of neck as well as detail study of Vishuddha Chakra and its limitations and correlation of Vishuddha Chakra with Cervical plexus.

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© 2023 by Saher S and Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License unported [CC BY 4.0].

Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science


Ayurveda is a term which defines ‘The science of life’ and is being recognized these days for its notable nutritional, natural, lifestyle & yogic therapy that initiates us to live longer, happier, healthier and many more. Based on the guidelines given by our ancient scholars, it is our duty to analyze various principles & unexplained facts (Apratyaksha) with the help of Pramanas like – Agama, Anumana, Yukti etc. Knowledge of ‘Shareera’ is mandatory for student of any system of medicine before he/she starts learning actual medicine. The Acharyas through the Divyachakshu realized the concepts like Sookshma Shareera, Srotas, Agni, etc. so, one cannot deny the validity of knowledge in the literature just because we fail to understand it. The yogic and tantric sciences hold unique concepts like Chakra & Nadi’s which hold importance in governing physiological aspects of humans. The word Chakra defines ‘wheel’/‘circle’, however within the yogic context a higher translation is ‘vortex’/‘whirlpool’. The Chakras are “Vortices of Pranic energy at particular regions of the body which controls the flow of Prana (vital forces)”.

Shat chakras which are mentioned in science of yoga are believed as hypothetical areas. They may be originated from spinal nerve plexus & the part of Autonomic Nervous System, which controls over emotions, mental wellbeing, energy levels, pain etc. & controls physiology by regulating all kinds of secretions (hormones).

However, we still have a lot of research to do in order to provide more scientific explanations. For the regulation of vital energy through Chakra is scientifically evaluated by GSR machine (Galvanic skin resistant instruments measure the potential difference between two points over the skin), electro dermal conductance measuring instruments for research purposes.

Shad Chakra: The six chakras are first referred in Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, it is a part of the Krishna Yajurveda and written between 1,400 BC and 1,000 BC. The word “Chakra” was mentioned first in Rig-Veda.

Etymology: According to Amarakosha, चक्र (पू) = चक्रव क. The word meaning of chakra is a “wheel” that which revolves continuously. चक्र -the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sun’s chariot); a mystical circle; an astronomical circle. [1]

Figure 1: Location of Shad Chakra.

Chakra which means that- “Wheels of light.” Wheel has been a vital part and witness of human evolution since a long time. The Chakras being defined as knots inside the Nadi that is as thin as the thousandth part of a hair. These are the center of energy which is placed at some point in the body and offers a passage for energy to enter and exit our body. It facilitates to regulate all type of energy or strength flows, such as, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

In the view of Anatomy, Chakras are wheels of neurovascular circulatory channels distributed to several organs & structures of the human body; those wheels of nerves are referred to as ‘Nerve Plexuses’ that are having different features in accordance with their area of supply.

Those plexuses are organized in the shape of spokes around wheel. Inside these chakrasPrana’ i.e. The remaining natural healing strength is situated, that’s all around us and within us, to maintain us healthy, happy and vibrant. All body-mind itself has internal energy centers for controlling the flow of prana and a system of energy channels. Those channels are known as Nadis and consequently the intersecting factors of Nadis is referred as ‘Chakras’. Inside the physical body, the channels are represented by means of the cardio-vascular system, lymphatic system and the centers are represented by the brain, the nerve plexuses. Shad Chakras in our body are the Reservoirs of the Bioenergy that is exactly similar to Standard Bioenergy.

The Six Chakras are: Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna Chakras. Every Chakra have specific - Color, Petals of lotus flower, Yantra or geometrical shape, Bija Mantra, Animal symbol, Divine Symbol constitute better recognition.[2]

Importance and Advantages of The Chakras- balancing of Chakra enables in treating many illnesses associated with body as well as mind. Effective mixing of disease enhancing drugs and dietic and lifestyle modifications is necessary. Chakra recovery and balancing enables in developing energy in the body. Chakra balancing helps in lowering the negative energies and constructing up positive energies inside the body and mind. Also enables in maintaining us strong, centered, healthy and balancing the features of glands & hormone imbalances which can be the primary cause of many disorders of the body.

Table 01: Specifications of each Chakra

SiteYoniLingamoolaNabhiHridayaKantha BhruMadhya
ElementPrithviJala Agni Vayu Akasha Mahat
Mantra Lam VamRam Yam Ham Aum
Guna GandhaRasa Rupa SparshaShabdaShabda
Devata Brahma Vishnu Rudra Rudra PanchavaktraPanchavaktra
Yantra ChatuskonaChandrakaraTrikonaShatkonaShunya/ roundJyotirlinga
GynaendriyaNasa RasanaChakshuTwakKarna Karna
KarmendriyaGudamGudamPaadaHasta VakVak
Corelated withPelvic plexusHypo-gastric plexusSolar plexusCardiac plexusPharyngeal plexusCavernous plexus

Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science

Vishuddha Chakra: Vishuddha consists of two phrases- ‘Shuddha’ means ‘purified’ and the prefix ‘Vi’ compliments its quality. It’s far symbolized by a violet lotus having sixteen petals. This Chakra is located at the back of the neck just behind the throat pit. It is taken into consideration as the center of purification. Proper knowledge and discrimination occur at this Chakra. The throat center is a place where the divine nectar known as Amrita, the paranormal elixir of immortality is tasted. For awareness in this Chakra, one have to visualize- large white drop of nectar.

Physically controls neck, ears, mouth, teeth, esophagus, throat and different organs and glands in neck region. Psychologically helps in verbal exchange and expression; problems of faith, decision making, sharing of one’s own truth. Spiritually in gaining information about past, present and future. [3]

1. Place – Throat region.
2. Shape of yantra – Rounded as moon.
3. Bija varna – Suvanim.
4. Bija mantra –हां (Ham).
5. Dala –16
6. Dala Akshara/Beja Akshara –अ, आ, इां, ईं, उां, ऊां, ॠां, ॠृां, ऌां, ॡां, एां, ऐं, ओं, औं, अं, अः
7. Vahana – Hasti (Elephant)
8. Prana (Vayu) – Prana and UdanaVayu.
9. Devata – PanchVaktra Rudra, Parvati
10. Shakti – Shakini
11. Acquisitions by concentrating on this chakra – attain highest success, get full knowledge of four Vedas, becomes Trikala Gyani (knowing past, present, future).
12. Important nervous structure lying at this chakra – Cervical Plexus.
13. Endocrine Gland: Thyroid. [4]
14. Dhyanaphalam – on activation of this chakra one gets control over Vakshakti, Gyana, Chitta Shanti, Arogyam, Trikala Drishti, Tejasvi, Chiranjeevi. [5]

Four verses of Shad Chakra Nirupana i.e., from 28 to 31 describe Visuddha Chakra.

Yoga and Chakra: Yoga combines soul & mind with the body. Astha Angas (8 parts) of Yoga’s are mentioned in Ayurveda. Specific Yoga & Asana activates specific Chakras. For activation of Vishuddha Chakra we need particular type of Bandhas, Pranayama, Asana etc. such as Jalandhara Bandha (chin-lock). Pranayama such as Ujjayi Pranayama (hissing type). Some of the important Asanas for activation of Vishuddha Chakra are Matsyasana, Suptavajrasana, Ushtrasana, Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, and Ardhachakrasana. These all Asanas helps in maintaining the normal functions of the body & also in treating various disorders like cervical spine diseases- cervical spondylosis, also spine becomes elastic, toned & flexible. [6]

Neuro-anatomical & physiological factor: The Vishuddha Chakra is associated to sexuality that is visible at the start of the puberty, where in the gonads promote the improvement of Adam’s apple & the gentle voice of child disappears and makes way for a stronger & harsher voice.

Endocrine gland: The thyroid gland is present here; it produces thyroxin & tri-iodothyronine. It acts throughout body to maintain metabolic activity. When thyroid gland functions as usual, if offers us pleasure & we enjoy life. The thyroid has a strong impact on gonads, & also regulates sex, urge to food, menstruation, being pregnancy, intellectual health etc. [7]

Functions of Vishuddha Chakra: The yogi who concentrate on this Chakra attains highest success, Vak - Shakti, get full knowledge of four Vedas and also becomes Trikala Gyani i.e., knowing Past, Present and Future. Importance of this Chakra is control of hearing due to Akasha mahabhuta pradhana and also control over ego. Neck, ears, mouth, teeth, esophagus, throat and different organs and glands in neck region are also controlled by Vishuddha Chakra. “So main function of Vishuddha Chakra is production of speech & its purification i.e., Shuddhi of Shabdha(sound)”. Phonation: Vocal cords are the main organ of speech production due to its vibration only one is able to produce sound. As Beejamatra of Vishuddha Chakra is हां (HAM) by pronunciation of this causes vibration of vocal cord & also thyroid gland stimulation.

Marma’s of Greeva Pradesha (vital points of neck region): The part of the body, which on injury causes death of an individual, is called as Marma. Urdhvajatrujatamarma– which are located above clavicle. These are 4 dhamani’s (arteries), 2 on either side of Kantha Nadi (trachea). Two of them are known as Nila & other two are Manya, 8 Sira Matrika Marma, Krikatika (atlas vertebrae) [8]

Modern Review

A Chakra is intellectual or speculative, i.e., more than materialistic it is diffused energy center. Diffused energy travels in the form of vibrations and its perception are beyond that of the materialistic world. It means we can’t - see, contact, listen, or understand diffused energy through our physical senses. Auric strength fields are one amongst many units of energy fields, which results in through the diffused body. Chakra appear to be bands of energy that start near to the body and pass away from the body. They may be close to the electromagnetic fields created by the physical body, but they are of high level in vibration. To recognize the nature of the chakra completely in addition to Kundalini, in the form of a double coil of helixes. In this way the Chakra functions like a gyroscope and in reality, it creates a torus-like energy flow through and across the whole body.[9]

Chakras and the Nervous System: The specific plexuses consist from base to pinnacle the coccygeal, sacral, lumbar, solar, brachial and cervical plexuses. Each nerve plexus is similar to its nearby postal center that makes certain its related body region communicates with the periphery nervous system the nerves and ganglia outside of the spinal cord. The brain stem cords the brain to the spinal cord and helps in managing fundamental existing activities which includes smell, vision, expression, listening, breathing, pulse rate, and so on. The leading unit of nervous system is the neuron, which passes data through electrical charges known as impulses to various cells within the body. These messages frequently travel large distances inside the body.

Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science

Structures of Neck Region: The structures coming under this region includes some glands i.e., Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, along with organs like Larynx, Vocal cords, Trachea, Esophagus.

Cervical plexus

The cervical plexus is form through the roots of the 1st 4 cervical nerves (C1-C4), rarely along with C5. One on both side of neck across the 1st 4 cervical vertebrae. The cervical plexus resources to the skin, muscular tissue, neck, & higher section of the shoulder & chest.[10]

Figure 2: Cervical plexus with its branches

Table 02: Origin and Distribution of Cervical Nerves.[11]

Nerve Superficial (Sensory) BranchesOriginSupply
Lesser Occipital BranchC2Skin of the scalp, post and upper part of ear.
Great Auricular BranchC2 & C3Skin ant., inf., over ear, over parotid glands.
Transverse CervicalC2 & C3Skin of anterior aspect of neck.
SupraclavicularC3 & C4Skin of sup. Portion of chest and shoulder.
Deep (Motor) Branches  
Ansa Cervicalis Has superior and inferior roots
i. Sup. RootC1Infrahyoid and geniohyoid muscles of the neck
ii. Inf. RootC2 & C3Infrahyoid muscles of neck
Phrenic BranchC3 & C5Diaphragm
Segmental BranchesC1 & C5Prevertebral muscles of neck, levator scapulae and scalene muscles


In Ayurveda, Chakra’s has its own importance. After going through the literature, conceptual & analytical study in detail, the present study entitled with “ANATOMICAL Correlation OF VISHUDDHA CHAKRA WITH CERVICAL PLEXUS” reveals some interesting points which are discussed here to draw conclusion.

Anatomically, the Vishuddha Chakra is associated with the neck region & structures of neck. Important nervous structure lying at this chakra – Cervical plexus. Endocrine Gland -Thyroid Gland. On activation of this Chakra, one gets control over Vakshakti, Gyana, Chitta Shanti, Arogyam, Trikala Drishti, Tejasvi, Chiranjeevi.

Vishuddha Chakra and Udana Vayu are located in the Kantha Pradesh (throat) and regulate speech and growth. The function of Udana Vata is auditory work and for these purpose Kantha Pradesha is used. Vishuddha Chakra controls the function of Thyroid and parathyroid glands though Udana vata. When its energy gets blocked, person prone to sore throat, speech impediments, eating disorders, deafness, thyroid imbalance. So that it is establishing interrelationship between Vishuddha Chakra and Udana Vayu.

As Vishuddha Chakra is situated at Kantha pradesha i.e., neck region. Muscles, Glands, respiratory organs are situated anteriorly in neck region. Vocal cords can also be considered to some extent as they help for pronunciation of different words. Cervical vertebrae form the skeleton of neck posteriorly. The nerves emerging from the Cervical plexus supply Thyroid & Parathyroid glands so any disproportion in supply result in diseases of this glands.

So main function of Vishuddha Chakra is production of speech & its purification i.e., Shuddhi of Shabdha (sound). As all the Chakras are situated on Merudhanda which is anatomically known as Spinal cord. All nerve plexus is located on Spinal cord itself. Vishuddha Chakra coming under neck region is supplied by the nerves emerging from the Cervical plexus and also other structures situated in neck region such as organs, triangles, muscles from posterior to anterior region of neck.

If we see extension of Vishuddha Chakra; starts from cervical part of Spinal Cord on posterior side to the anterior region of neck, as the nerves from Cervical Plexus supply the structures of anterior region also. The exact location of Vishuddha Chakra is on Merudhandha. So, Cervical Plexus is better correlated with Vishuddha Chakra. Hence considering these criteria as base for this study makes a sense that Vishuddha Chakra can be merely correlated with Cervical Plexus rather than comparing it with other structures of neck.


The term Chakra actually means ‘wheel’/‘circle’, however within the yogic context a better paraphrase is ‘Vortex’/‘Whirlpool’ otherwise as Astronomical circle. Specific energy & Pranic energy flows from Mooladhara Chakra (bottom) to Agya Chakra (top). The Yogi who concentrates over Shad Chakra’s gains victory over existence, satisfaction, sexuality, strength, love, imagination, intuition and spirituality. After complete Review and anatomical relations, we come to know that Vishuddha Chakra is situated in Kantha Pradesha on Merudhanda (spinal cord), all the structures of neck such as Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Gland, Larynx, Vocal Cord, Trachea & Esophagus (Cervical Part), along with Triangles of neck is supplied by the nerves emerging out from Cervical plexus only.

As Cervical Plexus is present posteriorly but supply the anterior structures of neck also. So, extension of Vishuddha Chakra is from posterior to anterior region of neck. If we take other organs into consideration, they are either situated anteriorly or laterally, but as the exact location of Vishudda Chakra is on Merudhanda, So Cervical Plexus is only better correlated with Vishuddha Chakra.

Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science


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Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science