According to Hindu mythology Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha these are the four Purushartha (Pillar) of the life. Ayurveda science adopted this concept. Healthy life is essential for achievement of these Purushartha. After age of Puberty we are bonded for achievement of Kama(Sexual life)1.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. The word impotence is often used to describe other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse and reproduction such as lack of sexual desire, and problems with ejaculation or orgasm2.
The basic initiation of sexual instinct is under the influence of psychological integrity3. Apana and Vyana Vata is association with Sadhaka pitta and Mana influence the normal sexuality of an individual and any abnormality in this Apana,Vyana, Sadhaka Pitta and Mana leads to Shukravaha Srotodushti and hence Shukradushti lands up in infertility or Sexual dysfunctions4.
Harsha, Praharsha (excitement), Preeti (affection, love), Bala (capacity to have sex) and psycho-sexual endocrinal functions of Shukra.5The entire body is seat of Shukra and Hrudaya is the pivotal organ for regulation of rasa, Shukra, Ojas, Mana and Vayu. Hence all psychosexual endocrinal functions are interdependent. The Harsha-Sexual excitement is dependent on Dehabala (psychological integrity) and also the Vrushattva-Sexual capacity depends upon this excitement and this triangular Harsha-Dehabala-Sattvabala-Vrishattva.
The involvement of different sense organs in their respective subjects and the stimulation of the Mano Chesta and Nishpidana all depends upon the normal function of Vata. Particularly Prana, Vyana and Apana are responsible for erection and ejaculation of semen. Acharya Sushruta was the first person who described the complex psycho - neuro - vascular mechanism of erection. He says that the filling of Shukravaha srotas under the influence of psychological or physical stimulation resulting in tumescence6.
Vatsyayanas kamasutra is of the view that Kama is of two types viz. Samanya and Vishesha. Vishesha is once again of two types, Apradhana and Pradhana. All the feelings of pleasure which the couple experience during foreplay are Apradhana or secondary. The pleasurable feelings of orgasm constitute the pradhana kama. So Klaibya can be considered as the condition where the stage of Pradhana Kama is not reached by the couple7 .
Manasika Klaibya
Definition: Manasika klaibya may be defined as loss of erection due to inflicted mind.
Any defect in the determination or ambition regarding sexual interaction or actwith the partner is prime cause. The rigid upbringing, negative initial experiences and lack of sexual education and the personality trait in itself viz. introversion, dull, fearful or Avara Sattva individual are prone for this.
Kama, Krodha, Bhaya, Shoka, Moha, Mada, Manoabhighata, Avichara, Irshya, Avisrambha, Utkantha, Udvega etc. are the prime Mano vikaras8 and Manaika Bhava which have got their definite role in the vitiation of general functioning of Mana as well as speculative higher mental and recreational functions i.e. sexual arousal, orgasm by altering the Doshic configuration basically with special reference to Vata Dosha and Rasa and in turn the seventh metabolic discrete Shukra in specific9.
The rule of Chintyanam Atichintana, Achintyanam Chintan, Chintyanam Achintana ascribed to the sexual phenomena will affect the process of sexual response and arousal. The Deha Prakriti, Manaika Prakriti and Satva Bala have been dealt in detail in the texts to explain sexual procreational and recreational capacity of an individual10.
Any of these constitutional defects becomes a susceptible factor to cause sexual dysfunctions in future. Other supportive causes of sexual dysfunctions are viz., the behavior of person towards the female partner, seeing defects in partner, disinterest in partner. When the emaciated person indulges in sex due to excessive sexual drive, ignorance, competitive sex, poor technique etc. leads to sexual dysfunctions. Understanding the instincts mutually is important in sexual arousal for the greater pleasure.
Manasika nidanas
Mind plays an important role in the arousal, desire, erection and ejaculation. So the nidanas which affect the mind will predispose towards Klaibya.The major manasika nidanas explained are Shoka, Bhaya, Krodha, Chinta, Udvega.
Shoka is explained as sorrow or dhukham. 150It is known as depressive behaviour of the patient. The happy state of mind as a pre-requisite for a man’s virility and sexual interest has been mentioned by Charaka .151 Sushruta emphases on a happy state of mind which leads to shukra pravartana.
Therefore shoka being the opposite guna of harsha leads to decrease in sexual desire.152Krodha, Shoka and Bhaya causes pitta prakopa which further leads to the rakta dusti this vidahi rakta and Prakupiat pitta when it gets lodged in Shukravaha srotas causes Shukravaha Sroto dushti and ultimately leads to Klaibya.. 153
Chinta and Udvega distract the mind as a previous failure at sex will increase chinta and Udvega. Interpersonal relationships between the partners i.e lack of coomunication and partner conflicts play a vital role in the development of manasika klaibya.It is mentioned as the causes of Bijopaghataja 154 and Shukra Ksayaja Klaibya .155
Men, who experience a sudden loss of erectile capability often, have a psychological orgin. Just as an erection can result from thinking about sex, negative thoughts can prevent an erection from occurring. Psychological processes such as stress, anxiety and worries can impair erectile functioning by reducing erotic focus. Psychological aspects such as lack of self condidence, lack of communication, lack of sexual knowledge and partner conflicts are important contributing factor for the manifestation of Klaibya.