Authors and scholars
Volume 11 Number 1 Title Jan-Dec 2024
E-ISSN:2349-3275 P-ISSN:2349-5502 www.biomedicalreview.in

Message to authors and scholars- Knowledge is power and a great weapon

Soni RB1*, Patidar A2

Message to authors and scholars- Knowledge is power and a great weapon


It is my pleasure to acknowledge the dedication of authors and scholars who always have enthusiasm for enriching with understanding of the scientific world. Knowledge is power and a great weapon for victory in any field and rule over the world in the current scenario. it is the only priceless thing that you can never steal and even increase by sharing. Knowledge is of no value unless you put it in side you, Knowledge makes a visionary with a global outlook and a special quality of integrity and updating the talents of a single or of a team, by joint knowledge of all team members working on any project.

Message to author: All dear and respectful authors, I am glad to express my thanks for all the hard working authors for appreciating your dedication to exploring knowledge in your respective fields. Your insights, ideas and research works are invaluable for studies. I am grateful and obliged for your contributions to the literacy world that have a great influence and effect on the academic community. Timeless efforts for research, writing and sharing their wisdom made a significant impact in the various fields of the scientific world. To disseminate knowledge in any field it is very necessary that author write on a suitable, authentic and global platform.

Message to scholar: All dear and respectful scholars, I am glad to express my thanks for all scholars who are always ready to enhance their knowledge in their respective fields by anyhow, by studying different journals, books etc; Because Knowledge is power in current scenario. It is a great weapon for outbidding, making carrier and to rule over in all fields of life. Learning by reading authentic source- ideas of great people, journals / books is must for gaining knowledge.

Keywords: knowledge, research works, life science

1* Ritu Bala Soni, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, MP, India.

2 Adarsh Patidar, MBBS, Gandhi medical college, Bhopal, MP, India.

Cite this Article
Soni RB, Patidar A. Message to authors and scholars- Knowledge is power and a great weapon. Biomed Rev J Basic Appl Med Sci. 2024;11(1):1-2.
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Meta History
2024-11-25 Submission Recieved
2024-12-06 1st review
2024-12-14 2nd review
2024-12-23 3rd review
2024-12-31 Accepted and Published
0% Plagiarism. Authors state no conflict of interest. Non Funded. The conducted research is not related to either human or animals use. All authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.
Evidence in Context

What Know: Knowledge of no value unless you put it into practice. it is way to immortality.

What New: It is a great weapon for outbid, making carrier and to rule over in all field of life.

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© 2024 by Soni RB, Patidar A and Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science

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Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice, it is a way to immortality. Knowledge is power in the current scenario. So the aim of the journal of Biomedical review is to enhance and upgrade the knowledge of scholars / researcher by publishing article in the all fields of life science -biology /animal science and human science. It help to promote communication among follow up academicians and researchers worldwide by open access facility. It also provides an integrative forums or a global platform for the new and upcoming scientists / research to exchange their knowledge and views on prior, recent, advance scientific researches.

Learning is the most necessary passion, in it our happiness lies as an ending source of pleasure. what is your remedy for what else, A single documentary published paper is equal to and better than just study of books. The journal is devoted to publish original research, review article (review article - which contribute to understanding development morphology, evolution, histology, body function of living cells /entity and body health of all living individuals through our broad range of approaches )and case reports (which are mostly on rare case finding in patients or an anomaly found even in cadaver) in the field of biology and traditional / recent health system / medical treatment related subject. It provides an opportunity by publish these research study /article to disseminate their ideas and massage and flourish knowledge of scholars ; that is why this journal is delivered to all domains including animal and human health science.

We salute those researchers whose hard work explore the unknown hidden scientific study and helps humanity to understand its root or past, present and future. We are thankful to authors or scholars who put this passion for discovery ahead of the normal social existence and sacrificing their happy moments of life, for his /her desire to achieve greatness ( try to touch the peak or highest point ) in their respective fields and explore the knowledge for us in the field of living world.

Information is the priceless message of progress in every society or in every family. As we all well know that it is sufficient for come to light even by a smaller hole, all darkness of that area is vanquished by these light rays. We all well known that most of times and difficult major big thought come from hidden / little research of the scientific committee.

So we do not judge the scholars by what they are in present but by what their new special researches. By bad luck, in the history of science many times we fail to understand the importance of the unimportant research work written by ordinary author (because ordinary people unfortunately fail to understand the importance of same researcher or paper) So we give our whole efforts to take every article seriously, no matter what is our present intelligence / knowledge say about for that article, what we have or what is noticed by others.

Also we are thankful to the lives or invention works of great scientist by which they stimulate researcher and on those foot steps we are walking and inspired.

I would like to throw light on some advantage of the journal of biomedical review:

  1. The journal of biomedical review places a lot of emphasis on all fields of living word –morphology, functions, histology, evolution etc of life science ; it cover all areas of life science
  2. The journal of biomedical review cover all the department of health science-
    a. Traditional - Ayurvedic & natural pathy
    b. Modern medicine system / Allopathy
  3. Free access
  4. Peer review
  5. Extensive author support
  6. Fast and authentic review

To disseminate knowledge in any field it is very necessary that the author write on a suitable, authentic and global platform, therefore this journal of biomedical review is my preference for written few lines showing /expressing my positive feeling –thanks letter toward all dear & respected authors. And also as scholar we show pleasure that we can enhance our knowledge in all domain of the scientific world by reading this type of journal because for a scholar contents of this journal of biomedical review are very huge & vast and perfect.


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Biomedical Review
Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Science