Frequency distribution of blood group with its allelic configuration among the studied population of Delhi NCR region
Allelic frequency, Blood group in Delhi-NCR, Mismatching of blood, Prevalence of blood groupAbstract
Introduction: Since the discovery of ABO blood group system by Landsteiner in 1900 and Landsteiner & Wiener in 1940, a voluminous data is available on the frequencies of ABO blood group and also Rh factor for most parts of the world which varies depending on geographical belt including India. In this relation there is no report of occurrence of blood group and Rh factor of the population residing in Delhi-NCR region including Faridabad district. So the present study is undertaken to find out the normal ABO and Rh frequencies among the localites of Delhi-NCR belt along with their allelic frequency and to compare our result with other studies conducted in different parts of India. Methods: A total of 1178 domicile individuals from Delhi NCR are selected from the BDS students, staffs of the Dental colleges for blood group determination. The ABO and Rh factor are determined immediately after blood collection using the Tile or Slide testing. Allelic frequencies were calculated under the standard assumption of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The study was approved by Institutional ethical committee. Results: It is found that the most common type of blood group is B type followed by O, A and then AB. It is also demonstrated that the observed population of each ABO blood group is in accordance with the expected population as per Hardy-Weinberg’s equilibrium. Conclusion: The present study shows that the frequency distribution both ABO and Rh blood group among the studied population of Delhi NCR region is in accordance with the north Indian population including Haryana and Delhi and also is in accordance with the expected population as per Hardy-Weinberg’s equilibrium.
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