Role of manobhava in klaibya vis a vis erectile dysfunction
klaibya.Purushartha, Manaika bhava, Doshavasta, Shukrashaya, Erectile dysfunctionAbstract
Kama is one among four Purushartha can be related with sexual gratification, which is one of the happiness in the life and to create a healthy progeny. So fertility is necessity from the time immemorial .Among the various phases of sexual response, the most essential is the achieving of normal erection with sufficient rigidity for penetrative intercourse, the absence of which ends into failure and dissatisfaction. This condition has been elaborately describedas 'Klaibya' in Ayurvedic classics and 'Erectile dysfunction in contemprory literature. The disease Klaibya is a multifactorial condition, mainly involving Bahu Doshavastha as a whole and Shukrashaya in specific, Mano dosha, and Shukravaha Sroto Dusthi. Estimated that in 1995 there were over 152 million men and in 2025 the number of men with erectile dysfunction will be 322 million, an increase of nearly 170 million men.
Objective: Role of Manaika bhava in aetio phathogenesis of Klaibya. As ED rate is increasing in men around the world day by day due to Psychological stress in wide range, So to know influence of Manaika bhavas as Etiology in detail Klaibya will be more beneficial to overcome the same. So this topic has been selected for the study.
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